So anyway, we arrived Thursday afternoon and immediately headed on a 3 hour bus tour to get the general layout of the city. As far as bus tours go we were all a little sleepy and the guide vaguely resembled a super boring history teacher I had, so I had to continually pinch myself to take in my surroundings. However, the tour reminded me of all the reasons I LOVE Paris `
After the tour we rested in our rooms for a little then a group of 9 of us decided to eat at this really fun fondue restaurant we had heard about. So being the dumb Americans that we are we decided to try and squeeze all 9 of us in a miniature European elevator. I literally was shoved into the armpit of my neighbor but somehow we fit. We had begun to descend and were just about to stop on the main level well all of a sudden we plummeted to the basement! Pretty much every girl just had her worst fear realized. We were stuck. Trying not to panic we pushed the emergency button-however, being the Europeans are not super into efficient technology the button didnt work. So now are FREAKING out. My friend Travis (who is in the military program at Virgina Military Academia) uses his brute strength to pry the doors open a hair and then simply shots one time (in his terribly amusing French accent) AIDEZ. AIDEZ, which means help. We finally made it out thank goodness and after several hours of shock were able to laugh about it .
So after this near tragedy we headed to our restaurant called Refuge des Fondues. I would almost require this restaurant as a Paris must! It is super small and you literally have to climb on the tables to reach your seats but the best part is all the wine is served in baby bottles! I will admit the first time you suck on a bottle's nipple is a little odd-but it was so fun and the fondue was divine. 
After dinner we went to a couple of different bars around town and had a grand ole time!
The next morning we were up bright and early to head to Pere Lachaise which is this massive cemetery that holds the remains of tons of famous people from Chopin to Jim Morrison. Ok so sounds lammme but this was one of my favorite tours! The guide was able to tell us tons of cool stories and mysteries about the different graves such as the tale of Oscar Wilde's missing willy!

The picture on the right is some dead guy and apparently if you rub his willy it will make you extra fertile! Apparently Jim Morrison's tomb is never without a joint and they have to shot down the cemetery on his birthday because there got to be too much drug activity occuring around the area. Its super expensive to be buried here since its a very famous cemetery so if your tomb starts to look run down they have the right to un-bury you and give the spot to someone else! All very scandalous!
That afternoon we hung out at Musee d'Orsay for a while and then ran back to shower and headed back for more museum fun at the Louvre (free for students on Friday nights!) grabbed a quick dinner then went to Lido which is a well known cabaret show similar to Moulin Rouge. The costumes were outstanding we had front row seats and even got free champagne, overall amazing night! Super busy day but tons of fun.
Saturday morning we were up early again to get a guided tour of the famous Opera. I had seen this before but it is still shockingly beautiful to see and also has some amazing stories (including the phantom of the opera.......) After this we walked around some different areas of Paris then rested before heading to my favorite area in Paris: Montmarte. This is where all the old artists used to hang out and its full of enchanting winding roads that lead to giant steps which have the best view of paris at night! We drank some wine, had a great dinner then called it a night.

Sunday we up freaking early again to catch our boat tour of the Seine. Again, I had previously done this tour, yet, you can never see the sights too many times. It was a beautiful day and a great way to end our trip. We grabbed a quick bite on the river perused some bouquanists then called in a weekend!
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